Regina stays behind to rest while everyone else goes to Tinker Bell's empty tree house, which strangely has a ladder, even though fairies have wings for flying. Emma arrives to inform them a box with Kathryn's heart was found. Snow records a video of herself with baby Neal, and David makes breakfast for her and gives her flowers. The brown doublet and white undershirt worn by Prince Charming in several episodes, The ensemble Prince Charming is wearing during and after the events of the, Despite the fact that Prince Charming wore a wedding ring for his wedding in ". Charming corners her at swordpoint, but only then, the Queen delivers an ominous refrain, revealing they've fallen into her trap and their power will end once the spell is broken, before she opens a green box to absorb their musical voices. Emma asks him about he can cope with being separated from Snow for so long, to which he explains his belief in knowing Snow is fighting as hard for him as he is for her. The seven dwarves promise to protect Snow by housing her in their house, but as the potion deepens in her, Snow becomes cold and cruel to her friends, and she later tosses herself out of the house. As their only way home, the Apprentice's wand, is broken, they seek magic from a groundsman, Jekyll, to fix it. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. After everyone has been found, David, Mary Margaret, Robin and Roland distribute supplies to their town visitors. ("Mother"), After Isaac rewrites everyone's stories in the Heroes and Villains book, Prince Charming becomes Queen Snow White's henchman, after she ripped out his heart and forced him to be a replacement for her true love, James, who was also his twin brother. From this day onward, Mary Margaret visits his hospital room frequently. Abruptly, David receives an call from Mary Margaret asking him to meet their new midwife, Zelena, at the apartment, and hesitates until Emma insists that he go. David and his wife go off to search for him, while Emma uses Regina's spell to track down Aladdin. David, Emma, Mary Margaret, Leroy and Ruby try to break into the stranger's phone to learn who he is. Once David tells him how he and Snow regained their memories because of the pixie flower, Mr. Gold advises that the same flower can be used to locate Emma. After Gideon escapes, David and the others are unfrozen, before they rush to Emma's side out of relief over her safety. To reach out Emma, David and Mary Margaret cast the Dark Curse, meaning David's life is taken. He sees Snow White on a mission to kill the Evil Queen, and pleads for her to not do it. On his way back to the apartment, he comes across James. Most (if not all) drabbles will be Regina-centric. An embittered Emma is tired of her parents' optimism, but they encourage her to have hope about rescuing Henry. Regina would rather try using magic on the map, a move David highly disagrees with, as does everyone else. As Mary Margaret checks up on him, she expresses towards Emma, who is hurt by her reaction. David witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. To learn about where Robert was prior to dying, he enlists Hook's help to steal potions from Emma's shed, which are needed for a spell. David then watches in horror as Mary Margaret jumps in after her. Regina and Zelena pull out the couple's darkened hearts and put them in the potion to drain the darkness before returning the hearts, however, it doesn't work because of a fail-safe the Queen cast to ensure the curse remained unbroken and they have to break it soon or Snow and David will both be asleep forever. Dirty-blond She has fears about her heart continuing to blacken, though he sets August as an example that redemption is possible. It's nearly the first curse-free wolfs time for Ruby and they need a place for her to spend the night when she transforms. They later start to grow to friends. While meeting knights who will be accompanying him on the journey, David learns they will slay the dragon so he can take the credit. With a locator spell, the two women are led to a mine cave-in. David eyes Hook cautiously, which makes Emma hasten her and Hook's departure. Though they corner Arthur in the Round Table room, the group are blindsided by Zelena, who holds Mary Margaret as her hostage to get them to back down. With only the Snow Queen's ice truck left to search, he sends Emma, Hook and Regina to comb the west of town. This revelation causes dismay and shock from Emma's family, which is exactly what the Queen wanted. Alive David and the heroes investigate the clock tower, where they learn the tremor resulted from Mr. Gold tethering Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. In the meantime, they unsuccessfully attempt to break into the pawnshop with Mother Superior's powers when David learns from Emma that the dagger is in the clock tower and nab it in time. With the end of the singing spell, everyone who was affected by it forgets that they ever sang. Season 1"Snow Falls""7:15 A.M."Season 2"Lady of the Lake""The Queen Is Dead"Season 5"Labor of Love" Emma sends her parents to warn the townspeople about what is going on while she and Elsa learn a counter spell, using Anna's hair, can be made. Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time.He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Josh Dallas and co-star Luke Roessler. They have known each other since Red discovered Snow in the chicken coop. David suspects it's fake and takes off, with Belle, Elsa and Hook following, to rescue Emma from the station, but the Snow Queen has already frozen the door entrance. However, he is shocked when Mary Margaret suggests the two of them move out and let Emma and Henry have the apartment. Through the walkie-talkie, David persuades Elsa that surviving is not enough and she must live, which the latter recognizes as her sisters words. She recounts that her red jacket protected her from getting hurt by her loved ones, but now, it means she must protect her loved ones in order to keep from losing them. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. ("In the Name of the Brother"), In the morning, Emma brings Henry, who she wishes to protect from Cora, along for departure out of town with Mr. Gold. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) To several of the other guests' displeasure, including David, Emma invited Regina to the party. David and the others subsequently take a stance against Mr. Gold by drawing their weapons. Unlike her Disney counterpart, Snow White isn't as naive or damsel in distress as her. Reporting back to the apartment, David, Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina conclude that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. David is one of the few characters from the first, He is the first character to appear in the. Trouble brews when Albert and an angry townspeople want Ruby arrested for Billy's murder, so David locks her up for safety reasons. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. He pleas for Regina to help him destroy magic, which is not possible, but she burns the spell to placate him. Suddenly, he recalls memories of his life with Kathryn prior to the coma. Again, she denies killing Archie, to which they apologize for suspecting her since he turned up alive. Stepping out in her date outfit, Emma asks for her parents and Elsa's opinions. Emma is tasked with locating a portal, but she has no leads until Hook, seemingly with Mr. Gold's help, discovers a door to Arendelle hidden in an abandoned mansion. ("Awake"), Eighteen years later, a few days after Emma arrives to Storybrooke, Henry convinces her to ask Mary Margaret to read Henry's storybook, full of stories from the Enchanted Forest, to the hospital's coma patient John Doe. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. Regina and Emma have been happily married for several years when Regina's other half reappears in Storybrooke in toddler form. However, Regina refuses, and David goes to Archie for advice on his blackouts. At some point after this, he goes outside to look at a video still of Snow on his phone, and sees his father Robert covered in blood, causing him to pass out from shock. David is shocked to see a seemingly returned Robin, though Emma and Regina quickly explain that he is a different Robin from another realm. They go to his pawnshop where Emma uses a dream catcher to see into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo; witnessing an image of Regina choking Archie to death. Mary Margaret reveals Cora, already pregnant with another man's child, was once engaged to Leopold, but Princess Eva deliberately wrecked it. The sixth season of the American ABC fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time was ordered on March 3, 2016. ("Birth"), Upon arrival to Storybrooke, David and the others crash to the floor from the impact of the diner dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. Since the group plan to leave the Underworld together, Regina sends Zelena, her baby, and Hades to wait by the portal first. There's more to life than living for the next fight. He proceeds to lash out at them, which Mary Margaret quickly stops by shooting an arrow at him. They find evidence proving Regina kept some of the beans for herself, but the beans are strangely missing. When a fury kidnaps Robin, Regina gets hurt trying to save him, causing her to stay behind, while David, Mary Margaret, Leroy and Arthur chase after the fury. Once there, he attempts to have some alone time with her, but she has other ideas. Little does he know that the nightmare hasn't even begun yet. After receiving word that the Count is now on the loose, Emma tries to drive her parents out of Storybrooke, but a barrier at the townline repels the car. While walking near the docks, David and Snow are attacked by Edmond, who tells them that he is being controlled by the Evil Queen. ("Broken Heart"), Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, David goes with his wife in search of him, while everyone else splits up to cover more ground. When Mary Margaret is hesitant to agree, he jokes that "it'll be like old timesa prince and a princess on an adventure but without the Evil Queen". Charming explains he never doubted she is the proper ruler of the kingdom but wanted her to show the Queen the kind of courage he always knew was there. However, Snow was extremely remorseful when she re-awoke from the enchantment and replaced the mug and said it was the only thing broken she could replace. Tired of playing games, Regina snatches the map and casts a locator spell on it, which leads them straight to Pan, who then sends the Lost Boys to engage them in combat. Venturing into the cave, they find Emma with a woman dressed in blue. David manages to lock Daniel in one of the horse stables and wants to put him down, but allows Regina to talk to her fianc. Status: David and Maleficent try to reach her, only for Lily to block them with a stream of fire, before taking off again. Alive To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. When the path up ahead blocked by a fallen tree, he exits the carriage, leaving his mother's ring behind, to examine the damage. After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. However, they are cornered by Camelot soldiers, with Guinevere freeing Arthur and having Lancelot imprisoned in the dungeon. Emma hints her desire to leave town, but when challenged by Henry, she bails from the diner. ("The Price of Gold"), Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Prince Charming and Snow White touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. Expect a lot of ships (I'll specify which ship the drabbles feature if they do). Under the liquid's influence, Mary Margaret feels agonizing pain from Regina and smells sardines in her surroundings. Altogether, they go to a farmhouse and investigate a cellar, which was locked, but is now mysteriously open. Instead, this incites anger between the not-so-happy couple with both recalling how the other gave a bad impression on their first meeting. [image begins] Snow White[image begins] looks back. David finds a letter addressed to him with a coin that he once gave to his father. After they return to the pawnshop, he leaves Mr. Gold to instruct Emma on how to enact a barrier spell. He tricks her, causing her sword to be embedded in a pillar, and then corners her at sword-point. Once the women take off in Cruella's car, Emma learns from Belle that a box is missing from the pawnshop. While Hyde is away, Jekyll agrees to fix the wand for them if they take him with them when they return home. ("Queen of Hearts"), Since being reunited, David and Mary Margaret spend some "intimate" moments in the apartment when Emma and Henry walk in on. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), A few days after, the engagement party is held, but Prince Charming retreats into his room in a restless and brooding mood. Left in charge, Anna takes baby Neal and puts him in a crib. However, when this tactic yields nothing, David decides Mr. Gold actually remembers nothing. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. Angrily, Emma confirms that Regina will never change from who she is. Once Upon A Time Fanfiction Emma And Hook Pregnant. They all think she looks amazing, and to her daughter's embarrassment, Mary Margaret snaps a photo of her. With a storm approaching, David tries to dissuade her against releasing the bird, but she ignores his advice. ~Tragedy strikes outside the magical boundary of Storybrooke. Rather than direct communication with the sorcerer, the group view a prerecorded hologram message from Merlin, who tells them to look for Nimue, the person they need for defeating the Dark One. While he points out if anything goes wrong, Belle has their emergency numbers, Mary Margaret is unable to not worry about being apart from her son. Wilby Anton leaves the ship, but promises David will pay for what he has done. Before they put the plan into action, the ex-fairy wants to know their escape route off the island. As they face the Queen in the cemetery, they reassure Emma they are at peace knowing their lives have led them to each other and back to her as well. Realizing her mistake, Mary Margaret retracts her anger, but Emma flees via car. Then, they lean in for true love's kiss, but their bodies cannot touch in a dream. That night, David and Mary Margaret meet with the female duo and warn them against revealing the past dealings they had in the Enchanted Forest. Enchanted Forest Character Existing fictional characters introduced to the series . When David prompts her for an explanation, she states she wants to be Snow White again, which he takes to with much approval. David believes the situation is hopeless, to which Hook reveals there is a cure, but it's too faraway. Arthur tells him about the table's seats, which are of equal status among himself and the other knights except for the Siege Perilous, a seat he once bestowed to the knight with the purest heart, Lancelot, until he was betrayed by him. With three secrets revealed, a bridge forms and Emma makes her way across, where she tells Neal her secret and frees him. David calls the man out for not understanding the situation since he doesn't have a daughter who is waiting for him out in the world, to which Mr. Gold calmly asserts otherwise and gives a potion to Mary Margaret so she and David can recurse themselves and wait another eighteen years until Emma arrives. Snow used to wear a brown tunic with brown fur and pants and boots as her time as a bandit. Desperate to find out more, Snow and David go to Rumplestiltskin, who says only their unborn child can be their savior. The daughter of Regina Mills or The Evil Queen. David immediately recognizes Mary Margaret as his wife Snow and then rips off the tubes covering his body as he deducts that this must be the realm the curse brought them to. David sees Robert's spirit again, and is resentful of the haunting as he doesn't feel he owes his drunk of a father anything, however, Robert insists his son needs to know the truth about his death. The trio later watch Jekyll attempt to recreate the serum as a means to destroy the Queen. After urging Leroy to go back without him, David hears Mr. Gold out on his dilemma of winning back Belle's heart since she is now living under her false memories as Lacey. He is not able to hide it from a watchful Hook, who estimates his lifespan is left at days or weeks at most, and pushes him to tell Mary Margaret. However, Emma's magic is drained after saving Hook's life and causes the room barrier to fade. 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